Lost Member Update: TKE Colony 633 - Dominguez Hills

For this chapter, the members listed below have no mailable address. In short, we have lost contact with them.

If you know of an address or way to contact any of the lost members, click on their row and provide a suggested address, phone or email address so that we may locate this member.

Missing Data
Arnold, Robert 1992 15 Missing Email
Barahona, Jorge Ernesto 1993 58 Missing Email
Burton, Frederick A. 2000 30 Missing Email
Campbell, Mark T. 1992 36 Missing Email
Candel, Lawrence 1993 28 Missing Email
Chan, Gary 1993 7 Missing Email
DeLaCruz-Robledo, Luis M. 1992 57 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Missing Address
DelReal, Anthony 1990 10 Missing Email
Figueroa, Rony 1992 34 Missing Email
Flores, Miguel 1993 60 Missing Email
Himes, Bernard 1993 46 Missing Email
Howard, Donivan 1994 49 Missing Email
Klerkx, Gregory W. 2000 37 Missing Email
Martanegara, Sony 1993 53 Missing Email
Medina, Jose M. 1993 19 Missing Email
Morales, Jose J. 1993 51 Missing Email
Nelson, Brett E. 1989 16 Missing Email
Nguyen, Tai H. 1989 23 Missing Email
Orozco, Robert 1989 3 Missing Email
Ortega, Everet 1993 32 Missing Email
Palma, Carlos E. 1994 45 Missing Email
Perez, Luis 1993 52 Missing Email
Pezan, Dennis D. 1994 38 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Ramirez, Jimmy A. 1994 40 Missing Address
Reyes, Carlos 1993 61 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Ryave, Alan L. 2000 31 Missing Email
Samuel, William F. 1993 41 Missing Email
Uyeda, Darren K. 1991 21 Missing Telephone
Valles, Gilbert 1993 59 Missing Email