Lost Member Update: TKE Colony 805 - Binghamton

For this chapter, the members listed below have no mailable address. In short, we have lost contact with them.

If you know of an address or way to contact any of the lost members, click on their row and provide a suggested address, phone or email address so that we may locate this member.

Missing Data
Benenati, Joseph 1983 2 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Dukich, John 1983 21 Missing Telephone
Eisenberg, Charles 1983 20 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Gilinsky, David A. 1983 3 Missing Email
Grecco, Dominic 1984 22 Missing Email
Lesser, Mike 1983 19 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Mazart, Gary 1983 5 Missing Email
Moran, David 1983 6 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Morfopoulos, Mark 1983 7 Missing Email
Parlitsis, George 1983 9 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Sanscrainte, Robert 1983 11 Missing Email
Shapses, Paul 1983 12 Missing Email
Shulman, Stephen 1983 13 Missing Email
Sprangel, Christopher 1983 14 Missing Email
Stella, John 1983 15 Missing Telephone
Missing Email
Tesi, Thomas 1983 16 Missing Email
White, Stephen 1983 17 Missing Email
Yacos, Mark 1983 18 Missing Email